Psychological Counceling

StartPsychological Counceling
psychologist Alicja Szmidka, MA
psychologist Aleksandra Pajdak, MA
(contact through Ms. Szmidka)

Dear Students and Employees of MUG,

From January 2nd, 2025, free psychological help at the Medical University of Gdańsk has been resumed. Every student and employee of MUG has the right to sign up for a free session with a psychologist. The consultations are a short-term form of help – the psychologist does not provide psychotherapy. A meeting last 50 minutes.

Entitled to these free meetings are employees of the Medical University of Gdansk, as well as students of the Faculties of Medicine, Health Sciences and Pharmacy.

Feel free to contact us.


Appointments can be scheduled during the following hours:
Mon-Wed -> 15:30-20:30
Thu-Fri -> 15:00-20:00

Consultations take place in the Atheneum Gedanense Novum building (ul. Zwycięstwa 4/42, Gdańsk), room 108. Consultations can also be held remotely.

For more information please contact:
Mikołaj Włoch, MA
Officer for Support
58 349 90 55

Do you need quick and urgent help?

  • MOPR Crisis Intervention Centre
    • contact: phone no.: 58 511 01 21, 797 909 112,
    • address: Municipal Family Assistance Center, Księdza Prałata Jana Gustkowicza 1 Square, Gdansk

  • Clinical Emergency Department UCC
    • in Emergency Room you can get access to psychiatric consultations, and if needed, psychological one as well
    • address: Clinical Emergency Department, University Clinical Centre in Gdansk, Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17 Street, Invasive Medicine Centre, ground floor

  • Helpline for Adults in Emotional Crisis
    • phone no.: 116 123
    • round the clock – phone calls and online chat

  • Gdańsk Helpline ‘Anonymous Friend’
    • phone no.: 58 301 00 00
    • 4 p.m. – 6 a.m.